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Thursday, 15 November 2012

Artificial Colours - Part Two

If you haven't read it yet, here's the link to Part One.

Let's get to know our colours a little more in depth. Please keep in mind that these effects are magnified in a developing child as their bodies are more susceptible to changes, and toxins like this build up over time, often showing up later in life or, worse, in the next generation through DNA damage (think childhood illnesses and birth defects).

102 - Tartrazine, FD&C Yellow #5. 
Banned in Europe, UK, and Norway. 
Used to colour beauty products, pen ink, crayons, vitamins, medicines, as well as food. 
Reactions include anxiety, migraines, blurred vision, itching/rashes, weakness, temperature fluctuations, feelings of suffocation, insomnia, clinical depression, and hyperactivity.
Links to childhood asthma, thyroid tumours, genotoxicity, and chromosomal damgage (OMG OMG OMG!).

104 - Quinoline Yellow, Yellow 13.
Banned in Europe, UK, USA, Japan, Canada, and Norway.
Popular in sweet foods and soft drinks.
When mixed with preservatives, 104 is shown to increase hyperactivity and decrease intelligence in children. It causes genotoxicity, dermatitis, urticaria, and rhinitis. 

110 - Sunset Yellow, FD&C Yellow #6.
Banned in Europe, UK, and Norway.
Reactions include gastric upset, diarrhoea, vomiting, urticaria, skin swelling, and migraines. Also increases hyperactivity and decreases intelligence in children when combined with a preservative. Impurities of this colour (poorly produced, usually used in cheaper products) contain amines of such high proportions that they are considered carcinogenic (I don't throw that word around, this colour causes cancer). Also, a combination of this colour with at least one other increases the severity of the reactions.

122 - Azorubine, Carmoisine, Acid Red 14.
Banned in Europe, UK, USA, Japan, Canada, and Norway.
It has been known as a carcinogen for 60 years, particularly in regards to bladder cancer. Again, it is shown to increase hyperactivity and decrease intelligence in children when combined with preservatives - particularly Sodium Benzoate 211. Enhances asthmatic symptoms. KNOWN CARCINOGEN.

123 - Amaranth, FD&C Red #2.
Banned in USA, and Norway.
Most commonly used in Glace Cherries, to give them that distinct shiny red colour. Female rats showed a great increase in malignant tumours when fed this colour. The USA ban in 1976 that still stands today is because of the strong links to cancer. KNOWN CARCINOGEN.

124 - Ponceau, Brilliant Scarlet, Cochineal Red A.
Banned in Europe, US, USA, and Norway.
It's a histamine liberator, so intensifies asthma symptoms. Wiki says "Ponceau is considered carcinogenic in some countries." So, what, are there different tests they run? It is also, again, shown to increase hyperactivity and decrease intelligence in children when combined with a preservative. As with 110, impurities contain such high amines that they are considered absolutely carcinogenic.

127 - Erythrosine, FD&C Red #3.
Banned in Norway.
Commonly used in lollies, popsicles, and cake decorating gels. It's also used to colour pistachio shells. High doses have shown increased tumours in rats. It has the lowest allowed dosage rate of the approved colourings, and is the most consistent "promiscuous protein-protein interaction inhibitor" (that basically means it interferes with proteins in the body). Given the lack of research, and the fact that the acceptable dosage rate is lower than some of our high-end chemical colours, i'd avoid this like the plague.

129 - Allura Red, FD&C Red #40.
Banned in Europe, UK, and Norway.
Like most modern artificial colours, it is made from petroleum. Also, like others, when combined with Sodium Benzoate it increases hyperactivity and decreases intelligence in children. It has been investigated as a reproductive effector in rats, with the results inconclusive... It easily mutates, and is linked with the development of bladder cancer. 

132 - Indigotine, Indigo Carmine, FD&C Blue #2.
Banned in Norway.
This is the same stuff they use to dye your jeans blue. Yep. While it can be extracted from a leaf, mass production occurs synthetically. Used extensively in pharmaceuticals. Associated with nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, skin rashes, breathing problems, and other common allergic responses. It is used in obstetrics to detect amniotic fluid leaks, and as a pH indicator. It is harmful to the respiratory tract if inhaled, and causes skin irritation.

133 - Brilliant Blue, FD&C Blue #1.
Banned in Norway.
Used in inks, to dye fabric and wool, and to colour proteins. As well as in food...
It's derived from petroleum, and usually combined with tartrazine (102) to make a shade of green. Combinations of artificial colours are known to enhance symptoms (ie - it's worse when you mix the colours!). Increases the severity of asthma symptoms, it is not recommended for consumption by children. Causes hyperactivity and skin rashes, and has been firmly linked with chromosomal damage.

142 - Green S.
Banned in USA, Japan, Canada, and Norway.
Is an Azo Dye, so causes hyperactivity and decreased brain function. Derived from petroleum and/or coal. Commonly found in canned peas, mint jelly, mint sauce, cake mix, and packet bread crumbs. It causes asthma, rashes, and is a proven mutagen in animal testing (meaning mutating cells). 

143 - Fast Green FCF, FD&C Green #3.
Banned in Europe, UK, and Norway.
It's said that this green is preferred because is brighter and less likely to fade. It has shown to have tumorigenic effects on experimental animals, as well as mutagenic effects on both animals and humans. Just to clarify, a mutagen "is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level. As many mutations cause cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely to be carcinogens." (quote from this Wiki article). CHANGES OUR DNA...

151 - Brilliant Black.
Banned in USA, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Canada, and Norway. It has a high rate of allergic and intolerance responses, from mild rashes and irritation to full allergic reactions. It's particularly bad for people who are asprin sensitive. On top of that it is a histamine liberator, so it enhances the effects of asthma. It has been reccommended to be removed from the diet of children, citing major behavioural issues.
155 - Brown HT.
Banned in USA, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Canada, and Norway.
Very similar in reactions to it's good friend (151) Brilliant Black. Particularly bad for children in terms of enhancing asthma symptoms, and creating behavioural issues, and so is reccommended to be removed from their diets completely.

160b - Annatto, bixin, norbixin. Can be listed as natural.
Skin reactions, gastrointestinal upset, airway interference, and nervous system disruption are all symptoms of this "natural" colour additive. The only reason it is "natural" is because the colour is extracted from the seed coat of the tropical Annatto Tree (Bixa orellana). The Food Intolerance Network says "It is the only natural colour that has so far as been found to cause as many adverse intolerance reactions as artificial colours and to affect more consumers that artificial colours. It has also been associated with rare allergic reactions. Reactions to annatto can occur the same day but are more likely to be delayed than reactions to artificial colours, and are therefore more difficult to identify." Headaches, irritability, restlessness, inattention, sleep disturbances, even arthritic conditions...

171 - Titanium Dioxide, Titanium White.
It's used to make things gloriously white. Everything from paints, plastics, papers, and inks to foods, cosmetics, sunscreens, and toothpastes. Inflammatory responses and genetic damage have been reported in mice. "The safety of the use of nano-particle sized titanium dioxide, which can penetrate the body and reach internal organs, has been criticised". There is firm evidence that says nano-particles entering the body can reach the brains of small animals. Those particles can lodge anywhere in the brain, and virtually not be removed, paving the way for anything from cancer to Alzheimer's.

Why are these banned in other places and not here?

Take another look back at what I've just written.
Chromasomal damage
Decreased brain function
Protein Inhibitor...

The amount of articles I've read are endless. These people are making us SICK... KILLING us. Now there is no excuse to sit back and do nothing. Get this rubbish out of your diet. YOU deserve the BEST that life has to offer, not what some multinational corporation feeds you.

We don't need these. At all. Food can either be your best form of medicine, or your slowest form of poison. Vote with your wallets, don't buy from companies who use this poison.

Stay tuned my Apples, Part three is exposing the foods that contain these colours so we can send a very clear message to the companies producing them that we're not interested... by not buying them anymore...


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